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🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

New Feature

New features and fixes:

The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


⚡️ New: Mobile Interface Dashboard Filters

⚡️ New: Stored Procedure Support for MySQL

🚀 Improvement: Dashboard scheduling options for size and timeout

🚀 Improvement: Support for PIPE csv in scheduler and export

🚀 Improvement: Support for very long stored procedure names

🐞 Bug Fix: User can't change/save PIN

🐞 Bug Fix: Users can see dashboards in the Library they don't have access to

🐞 Bug Fix: Configuration Service Tool - set the HTTPS for services correctly

🐞 Bug Fix: Admin user can't reset user pins


👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.
