
  1. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v12.0 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:

    The following fixes and improvements apply to DashboardFox v12.0 Build


    ⚡️New: Library branding options

    ⚡️New: Disable All Users default group setting

    🐞 BugFix: Multiple bug fixes in architect, dashboard, report details, drill-downs, library, settings, and more.


    👉 Please download the latest update file and apply to your server.



  2. Yurbi Version 12 Now Available for Download!


    We are thrilled to announce that Yurbi Version 12 is now available for download! This update introduces a variety of new features and enhancements designed to elevate your data analytics experience.


    For more details on the exciting updates, please visit our blog: Introducing Yurbi Version 12.


    Enjoy exploring the new capabilities!


  3. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:

    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️New: Support for NOLOCKS for Microsoft SQL data sources

    ⚡️New: Allow multiple schedule processors per server

    ⚡️New: v12 Beta available for Linux and Windows


  4. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:

    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️New: Export report headers/footers per report

    ⚡️New: Dashboard export widgets to excel

    🚀Improvement: Header heirachy in aggregate grid

    🚀Improvement: Group header shading in aggregate grid

    🚀Improvement: Dashboard print preview enhancement



  5. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:


    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️New: Advanced Pivot Grid Visualization

    ⚡️New: Conditional Row Color in Aggregate Grid

    ⚡️New: Beta Linux Version

    🚀Improvement: Auto uncheck select all when unclick item in dashboard filter

    🚀Improvement: Multiple Aggregate Grid Visualization Enhancements

    🚀Improvement: New date filters for stored procedures

    🚀Improvement: Stylesheet improvement on dashboard printing

    🚀Improvement: API endpoint query nested json support

    🚀Improvement: Support for special characters in library titles and descriptions

    🐞Bug Fix: Smart Filter Issue with Equal/Like criteria

    🐞Bug Fix: Support for data tags in Stored Procedure criteria

    🐞Bug Fix: Bulk delete in library fix

    🐞Bug Fix: Dashboard search API SQL Injection Fix


  6. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:


    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️New: API endpoint parameters and iteration support

    ⚡️New: API Endpoint - ContactFavLibraryDashboardItem

    ⚡️New: Filter values list for numeric data types

    ⚡️New: Hidden dashboard widget for lookup values

    ⚡️New: Save reports without permissions to inherit folder permissions

    ⚡️New: Data grid features to auto expand grids, autosize columns, set color

    ⚡️New: Dashboard filter select all and null options

    ⚡️New: Aggregate Grid Visualization

    🚀Improvement: Performance improvements for Dashboard loading

    🚀Improvement: Dashboard Filters performance

    🚀Improvement: Scheduler performance

    🚀Improvement: New date filters for stored procedures

    🚀Improvement: Inline report prompt panel value loading

    🐞Bug Fix: Data grid filter export issue

    🐞Bug Fix: Report prompt panel stylesheet fixes

    🐞Bug Fix: Multiple dashboard filter fixes

    🐞Bug Fix: Mobile dashboard fixes

    🐞Bug Fix: Increase database field size for large report definitions

    🐞Bug Fix: Increase database field size for large stored procedure names



    👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.


  7. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:


    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️ New: Allow anonymous and multiple typed emails in scheduler wizard

    ⚡️ New: Add logo and header options to Excel export/scheduled report

    ⚡️ New: Dashboard filter value/lookup option

    🚀 Improvement: Dashboard Filter loading indicator

    🚀 Improvement: Speed and performance enhancements

    🚀 Improvement: Export to excel supports data grid hierarchy settings

    🚀 Improvement: Dynamic date span support for stored procedures

    🚀 Improvement: Invert axis option for bar and column charts

    🚀 Improvement: Pie chart percentage supports label format precision

    🐞 Bug Fix: MongoDB support for linked reports

    🐞 Bug Fix: Scheduler support for data tag fix


    👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.


  8. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:

    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️ New: Mobile Interface Dashboard Filters

    ⚡️ New: Stored Procedure Support for MySQL

    🚀 Improvement: Dashboard scheduling options for size and timeout

    🚀 Improvement: Support for PIPE csv in scheduler and export

    🚀 Improvement: Support for very long stored procedure names

    🐞 Bug Fix: User can't change/save PIN

    🐞 Bug Fix: Users can see dashboards in the Library they don't have access to

    🐞 Bug Fix: Configuration Service Tool - set the HTTPS for services correctly

    🐞 Bug Fix: Admin user can't reset user pins


    👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.


  9. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.6 Build

    New features and fixes:

    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.6 Build


    ⚡️ New: Query from API endpoints as a data source

    ⚡️ New: Cisco Duo 2FA Integration

    ⚡️ New: TV Display Mode for secure auto-refreshing dashboards or reports

    🚀 Improvement: Improved performance of Builder report tree

    🚀 Improvement: Embed widget now refreshes on filter change

    🚀 Improvement: MySQL 8.x library update

    🚀 Improvement: Migration to .Net Framework 4.7.2

    🐞 Bug Fix: User data source personas not applied to stored procedures

    🐞 Bug Fix: CSS update on dashboard print view

    🐞 Bug Fix: Dashboard filter default to top fix


    👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.


  10. 🎉 New Updates: Yurbi v11.5 Build

    New Feature

    New features and fixes:


    The following fixes and improvements apply to Yurbi v11.5 Build


    ⚡️ New: Dashboard filters sort index

    ⚡️ New: Smart dashboard filters

    🚀 Improvement: Remove hover option on map visualization

    🚀 Improvement: Scheduler dashboard and visuzliation rendering

    🚀 Improvement: Remove dots from line charts option

    🚀 Improvement: Chart currency symbol selection

    🚀 Improvement: Advanced pivot grid auto expansion option

    🚀 Improvement: Added uglifyjs and grunt config to allow minifying of js code files

    🚀 Improvement: Display filter settings on dashboard print

    🐞 Bug Fix: Mail connection to Office 365

    🐞 Bug Fix: Embedded datagrid CSS filter display

    🐞 Bug Fix: Dashboard between date validation

    🐞 Bug Fix: Chart resize display fix

    🐞 Bug Fix: Advanced report stored procedure data source

    🐞 Bug Fix: International time span end of week

    🐞 Bug Fix: Saving user profile displays "false" in interface


    👉🏼 You can download the latest update of Yurbi here and follow these instructions to perform the upgrade.

